Your mind will be blown by these unfamiliar massage techniques.

massage techniques.

To maintain health and achieve attractiveness, people would do everything it takes. These are the
strangest massage techniques in the world, ranging from fish nibbling on your feet to facials that use
animal excrement to massages that have blades on your neck, nails crawling over your face, and nails
crawling across your feet. There they are!

1. Elephant Massage.

When you hear this, your imagination can’t help but picture an elephant sitting there, its weight
crushing your body. No one can put their lives in such peril. But it’s true that Thailand and a few
other countries have taught elephants to massage people with their trunks and legs. To force
them to do as the owner commands, they are beaten, tortured, and kept hungry for several
days. To make money however possible, baby elephants are stolen and transported. One such
method is forcing elephants to offer massages.

Additionally, they are endangering the lives of the clients who came for massages. Although the
elephants are good, if they become enraged, they may easily murder a person. There is a good
likelihood that the elephant will become irate in this situation. Under their legs, they may easily
crush bones and skulls. Or, in a split second, they can effortlessly chuck or toss them. In this
case, both the owners and the clients who receive elephant massages share responsibility for
animal maltreatment.

2. Fire Treatment Massage.

Have you heard of using fire to massage your body? You may have heard of walking on fire or
putting a burning paan (betel leaf with areca nut) in your mouth. Yes, there is a massage
technique that uses fire or flames to massage patients. Although it may sound a little scary,
there is nothing to be concerned about because all necessary measures are done during this

For this, a cloth is dampened or soaked in elixir and alcohol. The area of the body that needs
treatment is covered or wrapped in cloth. Following that, the cloth is lit on fire for about a
minute. The same towel is then used to touch and massage your body once the fire has been
put out using a wet towel soaked in water. Although the practitioners assert that this massage
has guaranteed healing effects, you may experience some heat and pain. Joint and muscular
discomfort, indigestion, sleeplessness, obesity, and colds are all alleviated by it. It also removes
wrinkles at a young age. An exciting opportunity to try something new is the fire massage.

3. Python Massage.

When you see a python moving toward you, the environment is enough to make you scream.
However, did you know that pythons give massages in numerous nations, including Thailand,
Vietnam, Jakarta, and Indonesia. You constantly have fantasies about getting a massage that
will completely satisfy you. But these days, you can relish the experience of getting a massage
while a python is wrapped around you and applying pressure to your body. Pythons are
incapable of massaging or rubbing your body since they lack hands. Instead, they’ll occasionally
creep about your body and tickle you. Those who have felt it, in their opinion, describe it as a
wonderful feeling that they will always treasure. After the massage, they felt incredibly
energized throughout their entire body.

However, this massage is also condemned by the authorities as being abusive to animals. As a
the result, you must be against this massage if you value the independence of other lives as well.

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