While flying, suddenly the bird got trapped in the net.

While flying, suddenly the bird got trapped in the net.

Birds are caught using nets all throughout the world. They are the most effective type of trap, especially
for catching live birds to use as ‘pet’ birds or as decoys.

Bird MistNet, Traps.

Rectangular nets made of thin threads called “mist nets” are undetectable, especially at night. They
make an effort to place the nets close to elements like stream corridors and paths that tend to direct
birds toward the net. Setting up nets hanging over water is particularly advantageous since birds feed
and drink over it, especially in the early evening. The bird may become distracted when eating or being
fed, which could reduce its awareness of the nets.

Usually composed of nylon mesh hanging between two poles, mist nets resemble a large volleyball nets.
The mesh netting’s grid size changes depending on the size of the species that is being sought after for
capture. The net measurements are roughly 12 m tall by 620 m long. A gadget that plays music while
reproducing the sound of birds singing is used to entice the birds to the trap location.

They are typically examined once or twice a day and do not need to be manned. Songbirds are the
primary targets of mist nets. After the nets are set up, the person checks the nets for trapped birds
every ten minutes for about five hours while sitting quietly away from the netting area. They gently free
any birds that become caught in the net.
For the humane live capture and release of small bird and bat species, lightweight mist nets are used.

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