Which side? Canine or primate?

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The term “monkey” is a general term that can be used to describe the majority of mammals belonging to the suborder Simiiformes, also known as the simians. However, in the broader sense based on cladistics, apes (Hominoidea) are also included, making the terms monkeys and simians synonyms in regards to their scope. Traditionally, all animals in the group currently known as simians are counted as monkeys except the apes, which constitutes an incomplete paraphyletic grouping.
The majority of primates belong to the diverse and expansive animal group known as monkeys. Although they share a common ancestor with monkeys (Pan troglodytes), humans, chimpanzees, and other apes actually belong to a different subspecies of primates that split off from monkeys millions of years ago. Monkeys often have tails, but apes do not, and are smaller than apes on average. The monkey group doesn’t. Lemurs, another branch of the primate family tree that lives in Madagascar, are not a part of the monkey group.

Each team has unique abilities. According to The University of Edinburgh(opens in new tab) in Scotland, some New World monkeys, like South American spider monkeys, have prehensile tails that they can use to grasp and hold tree branches and other objects, whereas many Old World monkeys have pouches in their cheeks where they can store food.
Contrary to this , The domesticated wolf’s descendent is the dog (Canis familiaris[4][5] or Canis lupus familiaris[5]). The dog, also known as the domestic dog, is descended from the Pleistocene wolf, which is no longer alive[6][7]. The closest living relative of the dog is the modern wolf. [8] The first species to be domesticated was the dog[9][8].

Prior to the advent of agriculture, hunter-gatherers tamed dogs as the first species about 15,000 years ago[7][9][8]. [1] As a result of their lengthy human relationships, dogs have become widespread among domesticated animals[10] and have developed the ability to thrive on a starch-rich diet that would be insufficient for other canids.

Over thousands of years, the dog has been selectively selected for a variety of behaviours, sensory capacities, and morphological characteristics.

[12] The shape, size, and colour of dog breeds vary greatly. They serve a variety of functions for humans, including therapy, companionship, protection, pulling loads, hunting, herding, helping the military and police, and helping the disabled. Dogs have evolved to be particularly adaptable to human behaviour over the ages, and research on the relationship between humans and canines is common.
They have earned the moniker “man’s best friend” due to their influence on human culture.

Dog behaviour refers to the individually or collectively coordinated behaviours of domestic dogs to both internal and exterior stimuli.

[58] Dogs’ thoughts have unavoidably been changed by thousands of years of contact with people because they are the first domesticated species. Dogs have developed a greater capacity for understanding and communication with people than any other animal as a result of their physical and social evolution, and they are particularly tuned in to human activities. [13] Domestic dogs have a startling range of social-cognitive skills, according to behavioural scientists. These skills are similar to children’s social-cognitive abilities rather than those of the dog’s closest canine cousins or other highly intelligent mammals, like big apes.
Who will prevail in the conflict between them?

Probably the dog. The majority of dog breeds have a larger jaw than they do otherwise. Due to the lack of hands, they also developed a stronger bite. However, a furious monkey can cause some serious harm before it collapses.

However, in the video, both animals were restrained to opposing trees, and when they were each given a bowl of food, they began to fight for it. However, the monkey’s prehensile feet did a fantastic job of grabbing the bowl, and eventually the monkey finished the entire bowl.

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