Whenever guests visit, the Abaju gorilla joyfully tosses straw and spins around the cage.

Abaju gorilla

This amusing display by a baby gorilla for guests at a Czech zoo is entertaining.

The five-year-old gorilla, Ajabu, was observed wriggling on his back and spinning in circles as he threw his straw bedding about.

The animated child was also captured flashing his lips, clenching his teeth, and appearing to be having a temper tantrum.

‘The gorilla was showing off in front of the guests and he really enjoyed himself,’ claimed Lucie, a resident of the Czech capital city.

“I enjoy watching them behave in this way, and it happened by chance.”

I’ve been going to see these gorillas for the past 16 years, and I try to go at least once a week. They resemble my family.

Ms. Stepnickova captured Ajabu dancing and applauding for zoogoers in 2020.
She also captured the gorilla playing with his bigger brother Kiburi that same year.
She remarked, “Ajabu loves Kiburi.” He enjoys playing with him, despite the fact that he frequently takes some hard knocks and often ends up flying across the pavilion as a result of his brother.

In a warm and protective embrace, Kiburi cares for his younger brother, who frequently nods off.

The vivacious males may be seen playing battle in their enclosure with hammocks, logs, and chests as props.

The moment a giant male gorilla with a silver back approaches the siblings to disrupt their play fighting is also seen on camera.
The adult male reprimands the children, who then immediately become quiet and part.

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