video: When the big bird did bad to the parrot

When the big bird did bad to the parrot, the video went viral

Narrator of this incident grew up in an area where Peregrine Falcons would roost. They strike at
staggering speeds to the point where their prey dies immediately upon impact. Trust me when I say that
parrots met a quick end.

All different kinds of bird legs were in our backyard, and he had a great view of a Peregrine striking a
pigeon. However, all he saw were feathers flying around like a pillow fight in the air. The peregrine
falcon took off without dropping its prey to the ground.

Two hawks watch the line of calves being butchered and slaughtered via a tiny gap at the foot of a
slaughterhouse’s roof. The youngest says the person is indeed very cruel after a short while.
I’m uncomfortable as well by watching the video , however since falcons kill rapidly, the bird didn’t
suffer and it was a natural occurrence ,Great video to show parrot owners how dangerous it can be to
not take care.

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