Whenever we are back home, we like to wear something comfortable and we all concur that nothing can beat pajama shirts in this criteria.

Whenever we are back home cat

Did we ever give a thought that like us also animals want to be in something comfortable during their bedtime? No, we never thought because we all know that animals don’t wear clothes. We are presenting you with something weird but eye-catching story.

A few days ago, a video went viral where an adorable cat, Alfie likes to be tickled in pajamas during her bedtime.

Mostly, cats don’t care about costumes as it can limit their mobility and intervene with ingrained behaviors such as grooming. Usually, cats get stressed out because they feel itchy in their clothes. Moreover, sometimes clothes can too be harmful.

Let’s find out , how Alfie ended up loving pyjama’s . Alfie’s owner claimed that “he’s just always been pretty laid-back”” if memory serves because he was a little young infant, I started wrapping him in one of my old baby blankets since he just plain linked Leong squeezed and having things all around him. So I put him in my old onesie, which I had just found .”

In one of the videos, Alfie has dressed in a button-up onesie and was seen comfortably lying on his bed by his owner. The outfits which fit him perfectly have space for even his tail. They dressed him and a blanket along with a teddy bear to cuddle with. On patrol, a TikTok user compared him to a “Beatrix Potter type” while others praised the video. “Oh, oh my god you have a stuffed animal”, Cameron wrote. Actually, you are accomplishing my goal, Maria, responded.

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