These 2 Africans were dancing flawless on the Indian beat.

dance video

As an African, dancing is as much a part of my life as eating, drinking, and working, but it is also a significant component of our worship because it is frequently mentioned in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament. Dance is a form of worship there, representing adoration and gratitude for God. It was thought that it would satisfy God’s requirements for veneration, together with other spiritual practises.

A few Scripture verses illustrate this: A reference to “An opportunity to laugh and a chance to cry, a chance to grieve and a chance to dance” may be found in Ecclesiastes 3:4. According to Jeremiah 31:13, both young and old people will dance and rejoice at that time. ITheir mourning will be turned into dance by me. “At that time Miriam the prophet, Aaron’s sister, took a timbrel in her hand, and every one of the ladies followed her, with timbrels and dancing,” Exodus 15:20–21 records. The psalms also make reference to the delight of dancing before God, saying in Psalm 149:3 that “Let them praise his name with dancing and create music to him with timbrel and harp” and “David extolled the Lord through dancing.”

Dance in Africa displays sensations that are similar to those expressed in worship and social communication, including supplication, intense feelings in relationships, and even life stages that are in transition as people advance from one level of maturity to another. In order to help people mature, it also conveys qualities, ideals, and even lessons on social graces.
The significance of dance can be attributed to various factors. It is an experience that elevates us from the concrete to the intangible and only provides us with a means of self-expression in the absence of words. We are able to experience the joy of a freshly found love, comfort in the midst of extreme suffering or difficulties, the energising fire of our childhood, and the tranquilly of our kinder and more forgiving years.
As you learned they are so keen about the dance, they couldn’t control themselves even on indian beat.
Here we are discussing about tileh and martina , two africans who were dancing on indian song and they posted this video on their you tube channel and it gained 1.7Cr views and 1.8 lakh likes. From this you must have got how much famous this dance video got.

There are a number of reasons why dance is significant. It is an experience that elevates us from the tangible to the intangible and only gives us a way to express ourselves when words are not available. We are able to feel the happiness of a newly discovered love, consolation in the face of excruciating sorrow or adversity, the energising fire of our childhood, and the peace of our gentler and more forgiving years.

With 17.5 million people of Indian ancestry living abroad, the Indian diaspora is the largest overseas diaspora in the world, according to the UN[91], and it contributes to the spread of India’s soft power around the world.

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