Thai fisherman finds whale vomit worth over US$1 million – Watch Video

Thai fisherman finds whale vomit worth over US$1 million

A Thai fisherman made headlines after discovering an incredibly rare and valuable find: a massive chunk of whale vomit, also known as ambergris, worth over US$1 million. This substance, produced by sperm whales, is highly sought after by luxury perfume manufacturers due to its unique properties. Ambergris is used to enhance the longevity and scent of perfumes, making it a prized ingredient in high-end fragrances.

The fisherman, identified as Narong Phetcharaj, found the ambergris washed up on a beach in southern Thailand. Initially unsure of what he had stumbled upon, he later had it examined by experts, who confirmed its authenticity. The piece weighed an astonishing 30 kilograms (66 pounds), making it one of the largest and most valuable discoveries of its kind in recent years.

Ambergris forms in the intestines of sperm whales to aid in the digestion of hard objects like squid beaks. Once excreted, it floats on the ocean’s surface, hardens over time, and eventually washes ashore. The substance has a waxy texture and a distinctive earthy odor, sometimes described as musky or sweet.

The discovery not only brought significant media attention but also promises to change the fisherman’s life. Narong expressed hopes of selling the ambergris to secure a better future for his family. Whale vomit discoveries are incredibly rare, which is why they command such high prices in the perfume industry.

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This find continues to fuel fascination with ambergris and its surprising value in the world of luxury goods.

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