Not for the faint-hearted! Rhinoceros don’t spare their victims.

Not for the faint-hearted! Rhinoceros don’t spare their victims.

Even though a rhinoceros attacking a person is unusual, it does happen occasionally. If we’re being really
honest, humans can be fairly bothersome to other animals, especially when they startle them without
cause. You can rely on rhinos to let them know who’s in charge in these situations! When they’re angry,
rhinos can flip an entire car upside down. And animals like tigers and warthogs have no chance against
them; it’s not just people!

1. In Nepal, a runaway rhino killed one person and injured six others after escaping from a
wildlife reserve and rampaging through a town.

Following a rhinoceros’ escape from a wildlife reserve and rampage across a town, a woman died and
six other people were hurt. The people ran to the balconies on the top floors for protection as the rhino
raced down the small residential streets pursuing motorbikes.

The rhino could not be driven out of the city despite drumming and car horns being honked.
According to officials, trained elephants have been brought to the area to try and corner the rhino so
that they can lead it back to the Wildlife Reserve. There have even been calls for teams with tranquilizer

In a safari park, a raging rhino attacks and flips a car with a person inside.

2. In a safari park, a raging rhino attacks and flips a car with a person inside.

The 30-year-old rhino Kusini attacked the parked truck at Serengeti Park in the northern city of
Hodenhagen with such ferocity that it overturned multiple times with the employee stuck inside.
The lone person in the car, a terrified employee, was fortunate to escape the assault with minor
bruises. The automobile, which had black and white zebra stripes painted on it, was completely

Kusini repeatedly comes back to ram the car and hurl it about. As the attack goes on, the car’s
windscreen breaks and its roof collapses.

Kusini has been at the park for 18 months and may still be adjusting to its new surroundings, according
to park officials who are unaware of what enraged the animal enough for it to attack the car, according
to the DPA news agency.

3. Is the horn being used too much?
In the worst case of road rage in the animal realm, a rhino charges a car.

The white 44 was smashed from the side by the enraged beast, who took offense to its presence on his
territory and trapped the scared safari-goers inside.

The dramatic incident begins with the animal showing interest in the Toyota truck and strolling over to it
as it is parked on a dusty Savanna road. However, as the enormous beast approaches the jeep while
trotting, it swiftly reveals its true intentions as a number of startled visitors flee inside and the jeep is

The tourists inside the automobile managed to get out unharmed

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