Mother Canine didn’t left her child’s side even in arduous State.

Mother Dog Fights Snake To Save Puppies

We all understand how a mother protects her children by putting her life in danger. Mother and child relationships are the strongest found in nature. A suitable example is the dramatic images of a dog and a dangerous cobra fighting after the snake bit two of the dog’s puppies. The tragedy happened in Odisha’s Bhadrak district.

Dog battles cobra to protect her young.
When a snake slithered in and three puppies appeared in front of their mother, the dog and her seven puppies were hiding under the staircase of a home in Satabhauni market.
The cobra hisses and lifts its hood as it tries to attack the defenceless puppies, and the mother dog’s protective barking can be seen. The dog makes valiant attempts to defend her young, even encircling one of the puppies, but she flees in terror when the snake shifts its course of attack. Despite losing two of its puppies, the dog was able to save the lives of the remaining five.
The rescue request had been made to the forest officials, but by the time they got there, it was too late. The cobra was captured by a swiftly acting local snake rescuer and transported in a jar.

What to do if your dog is bitten by a snake ?
initial care for animals
No matter how far you have to travel, take your dog to the nearest veterinarian right away if he is bitten by a poisonous snake. In extreme circumstances, antivenom will be needed; else, the animal won’t live.
– The sooner the antivenom is delivered, the less tissue damage occurs in cytotoxic bites (puff adder, Mozambique spitting cobra, etc.), which can cause significant swelling, discomfort, blistering, and subsequent tissue damage.
– The earlier an animal is treated by a veterinarian, the greater its chances of surviving a black mamba bite. Animal ventilators are uncommon in veterinary clinics, which may be crucial in severe bite cases. There isn’t much you can do if your pet stops breathing while you’re driving them to the vet other than administer mouth-to-nose resuscitation.

• Venom in the eyes.
When dogs are spit in the eyes by spitting snakes, the eyes instantly close. Cats and agricultural animals rarely experience this. If this happens, get the animal under a faucet or a hose pipe and promptly wash the animal’s eyes with water. Get the animal to the vet after gently rinsing the eyes for 15 to 20 minutes. The animal should recover in a few days with the help of some antibiotic eye drops and a small amount of local anaesthetic. Get the animal to a vet as quickly as you can after thoroughly washing the eyes out with water.

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