Let’s know some interesting facts about the grounddwelling bird : California Quail.

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The scientific name of the California quail, Callipepla californica, indicates that it is a member of the
Odontophoridae family of birds. Particularly in Brazil, it is also referred to as Codorna do Vale, California
Partridge, and California Quail.

This type of quail is fairly prevalent in California, which is where it gets its name from, yet it is difficult to
notice because it is so stealthy.

The west coast of the United States, particularly in California, is where this species is primarily found. It can be
discovered in parks, thickets, semi-desert regions, open oak forests, pine forests, and also close to streams. She
normally stays away from mountainous areas.
Gambel’s Quail is its closest and most comparable relative, with little discernible differences

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