Let’s discern king Cobra’s favourite meal.

King Cobra's favorite food.

The king cobra is an elapid species of poisonous snake that is exclusive to the rainforests of Southern and Southeast Asia. The only cobra in the genus Ophiophagus, it may be identified from other cobras primarily by its size and neck markings. The reptile lives in wetlands and woodlands.

It has a maximum length of 18 feet. Cobras devour tiny mammals, lizards, and birds, and its poisonous bite is potent enough to kill an elephant. The snake is a favourite meal of the mongoose, a type of mammal, thus they may also end up on the dinner menu.

King cobras aim to present a formidable exterior when interacting with predators. They frequently enlarge the muscles and ribs on both sides of their necks to produce what is known as a hood. The snake appears more larger because of the hood.

Cobras are able to turn hostile when they feel threatened or hungry, but they also know how to make their family feel at home. Only these snakes construct nests for their egg-laying females.

In the woods of South India, the king cobra’s “favourite” (meal that is most frequently consumed) prey item is the rat snake. However, other predators besides king cobras also appear to hunt out rat snakes in search of a tasty meal. Rat snakes are frequently caught by large raptors, such as the crested serpent eagle. On the other hand, Rat snake consume mice , rats , lizards and frogs .

There are conspicuous black vertical stripes on the Rat Snake’s lips just below the eye. These vertical black stripes are absent on the cobra. Never attempt to distinguish them based on the colour of their body. The body colour of cobras and rat snakes varies greatly. Rat snakes consume mice, rats, lizards, and frogs as food.

Difference in the way of devouring it’s prey:

Cobra snake When threatened, it spreads its hood out and stands up; it frequently makes eye contact with its assailant or prey. Considering rat snakes to be extremely deadly Although it has a very powerful bite for humans, this animal enjoys solitude and will ratchet its tail to fend off predators. varies its hunting hours according to the season.

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