Kathy Whitworth, winningest golfer This happened with the player who created history

Kathy Whitworth, winningest golfer

Kathy whithworth hose LPGA Tour victories stretch across nearly a quarter-century , who beacme first woman to earn $1 million for her career on the LPGA,The iconic American golf player was born in Texas and started playing golf at the age of nine. At the age of 13, she was the top-ranked junior golfer in Texas. She turned into a professional golf player at the age of 18 in 1958. She won her first professional tournament, The Amarillo Open, in 1959.

KATHY’S ACHIEVEMENT: In 1962, Whitworth won her first tournament, the Kelly Girls Open. Between that and her victory in the United Virginia Bank Classic in 1985, she won 88 tournaments on the LPGA Tour, the highest number of any player, including on the men’s PGA Tour. Six were major championships.In 1974, she won the Orange Blossom Classic for the fifth time, one of only four LPGA golfers have won the same tournament five times.”Winning never got old,” Whitworth once said. She also founded the Kathy Whitworth Foundation, which is committed to supporting the participation of junior girls in golf. The KATHY WHITHWORTH Scholarship fund provides financial assistance to junior golfers.

KATHY WHITHWORTH DEATH: Bettye Odle didn’t disclose a cause of death, saying that Whitworth died suddenly Saturday night while celebrating with family and friends.

“Kathy left this world the way she lived her life – loving, laugh and creating memories,” Odle said in a statement released by the LPGA Tour.

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