Incredible shots that sent the world into a frenzy.

King Cobra's favorite food.

I find it amazing how frequently bizarre things now-a-days are captured on camera. The world is now more than ever watching itself thanks to home security, GoPro Sports cameras, and street monitoring. The following is a crazy collection of those moments! Here are some of the weirdest moments ever captured on camera, from the man who wears a snake as a hairband to the parents who claim their unusual film of a “possessed” infant bouncing on his crib is real.

1. A guy who wears a snake as a hairband.

To the dismay of many, a man has done the inconceivable by tying a snake to his hair and moving around freely. After tying a snake to his hair and going about his business as usual, many people were left perplexed. The man could be seen cheerfully roaming around in the South American footage while a snake curled and cuddled up in his hair.
He appeared completely at ease while his friends recorded him walking down the street. The snake is thought to be a pet, but many people are really perplexed as to how it managed to become so readily coiled in the man’s hair.

2. Parents insist that the strange video of a “possessed” baby standing on a crib is authentic.
A toddler is seen in this chilling photo sobbing while perched precariously on the edge of a cot, leading to speculation that he might be possessed by a supernatural being.
And it has actually terrified millions of people.
The baby, Conner, complains as he stands up and balances himself on the edge of the side rail in scenes that resemble a Paranormal Activity movie. When the infant suddenly stands up and starts crying, the night vision camera gives the boys’ wide-open eyes a spooky green glow.
The boy appears to be being pulled down by an unseen force as he falls backwards into the cot after a brief period.

3. Genuine or fake? Insane video of a man scaling a house top was caught on camera in Varanasi.

Following a complaint from the community, Varanasi police allegedly filed a FIR against unidentified individuals and initiated an investigation.
After a video of a woman floating in a white gown and circling the park in the VDA colony went viral, everything began. However, as soon as the video started appearing on people’s smartphones, hysteria broke out among the residents, and some even stopped leaving their homes out of dread for the “ghost in the colony.”
According to a Hindustan Times story, while the majority of residents thought the video was fake, some thought it appeared to be authentic to many.
The “ghost” footage appeared to be fabricated, according to the city police as well. Police have also urged the public not to listen to these films.

4. Storm chaser fights Irma’s strong winds.

A storm chaser got out of his car, walked into the gale-force winds, and went viral as Hurricane Irma’s eye battered the Florida Keys with lashing rain and pounding winds.
Mother Nature decides to show him physically what data cannot, interrupting Juston Drake as he tries to gauge the force of Irma’s winds.
Drake retreated several feet due to a strong gust. Winds buffeted him as he leaned into the gusts and battled to stand upright.
Drake claimed on the TODAY show that he has chased storms for years, but none have ever felt as intense as Irma.
Drake remarked that the wind was “by far the fiercest winds I’ve ever experienced.” It was often nearly impossible to stand up because it was so forceful and strong.

He stated, “We actually measured a wind gust of 117 mph,” adding that he thought the winds might have been even greater than his equipment could detect.

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