Gain an understanding of how to fabricate a fish-catching stone Dam!

how to catch fish

The oldest structural harvesting methods include the use of stone fish traps. You should know something about their capacity to produce protein from the fact that the earliest known man-made structure on the planet is a fish trap. 40,000 years ago, a group of manually erected stone walls and ponds was discovered.

Operation of traps on a general level.

Shallow water is necessary for river weirs or traps. If a river has a shallow section, take use of it while you can. Different types and designs of stone fish traps exist.
It is simple to observe how fish coming ashore with the rising tide are funneled into the catch area and can be harvested much more quickly as the water recedes with this particular trap, which was designed to take advantage of the daily shifting tides. To take use of the stone trap’s functionality, only visit it at certain hours of the day.

The stones create a wide promenade that is over a meter wide and is strong enough to withstand both high winds and daily tide changes. Fish enter from the upstream side of the trap and are directed downward into the little catchment area at the left or downstream end. It is much simpler to capture fish when moving water is used to help concentrate fish populations into smaller regions or to completely strand them. All that is needed are portable stones and access to tidal flats or shallow water.


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