Did you know the family member of Accipitridae can catch goat and even 5 exhilarating birds of prey !

family member of Accipitridae can catch goa

Curious to know which family member I’m referring to ?

The Eagle , Having length of 1 m or more and wingspan of upto 2 m is being mentioned in this article .
They have been revered as a symbol of beauty , beaver , honour , pride , tenacity and elegance for countless
years . Because of its traits , this bird is significant to humans and serves as a symbol.

They use their claws to catch their prey
Although , The victim resists fate with the ferocious fighting ability and makes an effort to flee from harm but can’t
escape from them.

Eagles always know how to make the most of the terrain to hunt successfully. They use their agility and speed
combined with incredibly strong claws to grab their prey, and they can grab large prey like wolves or goats.
However, they have a rather cruel method of killing.

The Crowned Eagle is a huge predatory bird with a length of 73-79 cm, a wingspan of 170-183 cm, and an
average weight of 2.95 kg that is found in eastern and central South America.
Mammals, such as tatuses , skunks, ferrets, rats, and monkeys, are their primary prey. Their rapid attack renders
the target helpless.

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