Eagle Attacks Like You’ve Never Seen

Eagle Attacks

Some of the world’s top hunters are eagles. They don’t mess around when brunch time comes around. They attack at the speed of light from above and hardly ever miss their target.

Eagle Attacks

A pair of eagles took a dive directly into a photographer’s lap this week, leaving her with some scrapes and scratches. Lisa Bell told CTV News that on Friday afternoon, while visiting her friend just north of Qualicum Beach, she decided to take some shots in the yard. The bald eagles, however, crashed to the ground as she trained her camera on a pair that she claimed was performing a mating ritual. It just took a fraction of a second, Bell claimed. “The eagles intertwined and then fell, landing on me.” When eagles are courting, they occasionally engage in a behaviour called “cartwheeling,” in which they lock talons and fall toward the ground before breaking apart just in time. Bell claimed that in this instance, the raptors were unable to successfully execute the manoeuvre.

Trust is key, she said. “They’re supposed to release each other before they fall to the ground. They let go in this instance, but not quickly enough. Immediately after the eagles landed in her lap, they took off, leaving her with several minor wounds from their razor-sharp claws, including a cut on her finger, two puncture wounds on her jaw, and scratches on her arm and chest. For a nature enthusiast like herself, Bell also managed to snap a stunning photo of the birds in mid-flight, so it was all worth it. “I now have war wounds. I have tales to share with my future grandchildren, she remarked. It was amazing.

More and more individuals are searching the internet for distractions as more and more of us are compelled to work from home or are unable to work at all. One of the social media images depict a wolf and an adult bald-headed eagle fighting over carrion pieces that have been left on the ground. The wolf does not appear to have the upper hand, at least not on the ground, contrary to what we might expect.

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