Do Animals too Enjoy Drinking or Using Marijuana?

5 Animals That Love To Get Drunk

As we all are aware of the fact that humans love getting drunk.

But The fact that animals may also become inebriated may shock you. A poor fruit or flower nectar can
make a variety of animals slightly tipsy. Discover some of the animals that get drunk the most
frequently, along with the consequences, in the list below.

1. Alcohol and ibogaine affect elephants

Animals with a sophisticated social structure and high intelligence include elephants. They teach their
young in order to pass information down through the generations, experience feelings like joy and
depression, and lament the loss of a family member. It does, however, imply that elephants can discover
what makes them happy, enjoy it, and then pass it along to their young.

Elephants have discovered that rotting, overripe fruit, like that of the Marula tree, makes them teetotal.
Despite the fact that some people find it entertaining to imagine elephants staggering around in a
drunken haze, alcoholism is becoming more and more of an issue for elephants in both India and Africa.
Additionally, because elephants are rather intelligent and because interactions between our two species
are expanding, they have discovered that where there are people, there is alcohol. The fact that
elephants are vicious drunks makes this terrifying! According to stories, elephant herds have practically
raided and destroyed villages in their continued pursuit of alcohol.

Elephants have developed a taste for the iboga plant, a potent psychedelic when it comes to drugs.
Every time they locate it, they will eat it to receive a satisfyingly psychedelic high, and because the
young learn from the elders, it becomes a family tradition.

2. Wallabies- Opium.

There have been more and more stories in recent years of Australian wallabies pillaging fields of
medical poppies. 50% of the world’s poppy/opium, which is used to make drugs like morphine and other
painkillers, is supplied by Australia. These obedient marsupials have discovered that these plants are
capable of serving as more than simply food. According to reports, after devouring the poppies, the
wallabies will spend the rest of the day hopping around the field and making crop circles while “as high
as a kite.”

3. Cats-Catmint.

Catmint is a reasonably common garden herb that appears to have some unusual effects on cats. They
will go great distances to sit among it, caressing, nibbling, and inhaling the perfume of its blossoms and
leaves because of the waves of pleasure it evokes in them. It is said to first have a fun influence on them,
making them much more bouncy and even seeming to chase imaginary objects.

However, as the chemicals start to take effect, they will become much more… sensual. This is because
catmint contains compounds that are strikingly similar to those in tom cat urine used to stake a claim on
a territory.

4. Bears- Mushrooms and jet fuels.
Despite sounding like a great combination, this does not occur simultaneously. According to rumors,
bears in North America, where this kind of fungus is most frequently found, have been eating Amanita
muscaria in order to get high. However, there isn’t much solid data to support this.

There is proof that in Russia, bears are consuming jet fuel to get high. Evidently, bears at the Kronotsky
Nature Reserve in far eastern Russia is sniffing abandoned kerosene and gasoline cans. The gasoline
powers the reserve workers’ helicopters, but the bears have discovered a much better use for it.

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