Despite not receiving proper care throughout his life, the dog was nevertheless friendly and kind towards people.

Despite not receiving proper care throughout his life

The underweight dog with a terrible past shows love to rescuers astounds veterinarians .The dog , found by a household in a Johnson country , Kansas ,  was so emaciated and feeble that even the reducers were also not sure if she would survive the kind of trauma she had gone through .

In an effort to offer the dog a better chance of survival, the family took her to a veterinary hospital in Mission Care. When the dog was picked up, staff members immediately took her to the medical care section. Amazingly, despite the traumas and torments she had experienced during her entire life, the little dog with her ribs sticking out was happy and affectionate.

The veterinarians were amazed by the little, abused dog’s simple desire to delight and kiss everyone. Pawsitive Tails Dog Rescue and the veterinarian facility worked together to treat the Canis Minor and stop the abusers from winning.

A new Facebook update states that Brighe is the name given to the expensive dog. Her blood work isn’t great, but it might be worse, and neither of them has been very hungry lately. However, they make the decision to keep Brighe in the hospital, implant a feeding tube, and continue the battle to save her life. Brighe, an Irish name that means “strong and might,” embodies these qualities in her canine spirit.

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