Heart-warming :  Cat leaves the vet and doesn’t recognise his counterpart.

Cat leaves the vet and doesn’t recognise his counterpart.

More than 1 million people  watched the viral video in which A cat returns from the doctor to his feline housemate’s unwelcoming reception. The video shows an Egyptian Mau cat with stripes relaxing on the sofa while a grey British shorthair hisses at him. The caption reads, “My cat doesn’t recognise my other cat after the vet.”

It continues, “Lose his balls and goes home to get scolded.” It’s amazing how much they rely on smell rather than sight, one TikToker user observed. One of my cats, a sick cat, hadn’t been seen by the other in days. a lot of hissing The animal protection group Paws Chicago claims that cats typically recognise people and items through smell.

Compared to cats, who have more than 200 million olfactory receptors in their nostrils, humans only have five million. Compared to humans, they have a 14-fold better sense of smell.

According to The Spruce Pets, “a typical situation unfolds when one cat from the home goes the groomer or veterinarian. When a healed cat returns home, former friends may shun it or even attack it. The cats hardly recognise one another from the other. This is basically true because the missing cat smells different than the other cats in the house do.

Users  suggested scheduling appointments with the vets for both cats at the same time, keeping the sick cat apart but close by for the other cat to smell, or utilising the sick cat’s bed or blanket to familiarise the other cat with its aroma.

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