4 times when the Chaser was the one being chased.

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The topic of hunting has generated a lot of debate lately. In both sport and need, there are times when
the odds are against you and the powerful, cunning hunter turns out to be the prey.

Whether this happens in real life or is the target of online vigilantism, both the victims and the
onlookers find it shocking, and each incident elicits a wide range of responses. The stories in this
collection vary in scope, size, end, and species, but they are always astonishing. Check out these stories
where the hunter becomes the prey, including the dentist who stays in hiding after killing a beloved
African lion and the fisherman who fought a big tuna.

1. Dr. Walter Palmer
Dr. Walter Palmer, a well-known Minnesota dentist, and trophy hunter was the
subject of online vigilantism when he bribed poachers in Zimbabwe to kill Cecil
the Lion. In July 2015, Cecil was persuaded to leave his sanctuary home and move
onto a nearby farm that is situated over a train track from the area that is
designated as a wildlife refuge. Once there, Palmer and two companions used a
bow and arrow to kill Cecil before killing him with a gun. The lion was then
skinned after being beheaded.

Palmer instantly switched from being a hunter to being a hunted after hearing
about Cecil’s passing in the media. He received everything from online death
threats to demonstrators holding vigils outside his dental office, despite his
remorse for killing the lion. When the storm hit, Palmer shut down his clinic and
took his family into hiding.

2. Unnamed Hunter Vs Fox.

In Belarus, an unidentified hunter shot a fox from a distance and then attempted
to kill it by ramming it with the butt of his gun. The fox shot him with his own gun,
however, and the hunter unexpectedly changed into the prey. The man shot his
target, then turned to finish off the fox. An altercation started after he fired his
revolver at it. He was shocked when the fox’s paw accidentally pulled the trigger
on the rifle. While the hurt and humiliated man was subsequently taken to the
hospital, the creature was able to avoid certain death. Due to the possibility that
they could spread rabies, foxes are not protected in Belarus.

3. Fisherman Anthony Wichman.
The predator, even at sea, has a strong chance of turning into prey if he
is not vigilant. Anthony Wichman, a fisherman from Hawaii, was fishing off
the coast of Kauai. Wichman reeled in a 230-pound tuna while operating a
14-foot boat. The tuna proved to be too much for him, despite his best
efforts to get the enormous fish into the boat and stab it with a gaffe. The
boat capsized as it sprang off the back and dove back into the water,
bringing Wichman along with it. Daughter Anuhea Wichman gasped in
terror as she saw her father fall. Unexpectedly, he was able to make a call
to his daughter while submerged. She then informed the Coast Guard. The
tuna was still connected to the line but the Eichmann somehow
managed to escape without a rope burn.

4. Two hunters vs Giant Anteaters.

Giant anteaters are regarded as threatened by the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature due to deforestation and human encroachment
(IUCN.) Generally speaking, they are not hostile to people. However, they have
poor vision, and if they are scared, they will protect themselves by biting.

The anteaters that the hunters were pursuing murdered two of them in
separate events in Brazil. First, a 47-year-old father who was out hunting with
his sons and dogs came across the strange beast. The anteater stood on its
hind legs as he drew his knife. It attacked the man with its claws and paws,
leaving severe wounds. He immediately died of bleeding.

A 75-year-old hunter who was the second man was gored but lived. Giant
anteaters can grow to a length of 7 feet and a weight of up to 100 pounds.

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