4 Strange rituals that may startle you.

The girl had to show her style in front of the boys

A wedding is a spiritual ritual that unites two individuals for the rest of their lives. Every nation and religion has its own customs for officiating weddings. We may find some of the rituals that some cultures do odd and bizarre.
Here are several odd and weird customs that you may have never heard of, ranging from a restroom prohibition to beating the groom’s feet.

1. The ceremony of blackening.
In Scotland, instead of showering the bride and groom with flowers, people dump all kinds of unpleasant stuff on them. People there use this ceremony, despite how strange and disgusting it looks, to make sure the pair is prepared for all the obstacles in the future.

2. Father in Kenya spits on the bride

In order to wish their newborns luck and long life, parents spit on them.
One of the most peculiar wedding customs that anyone has ever heard of is this one. The bride’s father, however, spits on the bride’s head and breast in the Massai community in Kenya. Before the brides leave the ceremony with the groom, they perform this tradition. Although many people might find this disgusting, the Massai people view it as good luck.
Before shaking hands with the elders in their community, they spit on their hands. Spitting is regarded as a sign of prosperity and wealth in their culture.

3. Malaysia: The bridal couple cannot use the restroom.
In Borneo, the Tidong people of Malaysia and Indonesia adhere to a custom that forbids the bride and groom from leaving their home or using the restroom for three whole days following their wedding ceremony. For three days and three nights following their wedding, the bride and groom are not permitted to urinate or defecate. They are kept under constant guard and given very little access to food and drink. It is believed that failing to follow the ceremony will bring the bride and groom bad luck, which frequently manifests as adultery, a breakdown of their marriage, or the loss of their children.

4. Murdering the young hens.

People in Inner China and Mongolia practice quite peculiar rites before to marriage. They continue the custom of murdering the young chick. The Mongolian couple cuts a baby chick together and examines the liver before exchanging vows. They can choose a date for their wedding if the liver is healthy. They must slaughter other baby chicks in the meanwhile to find a healthy liver if the liver is unhealthy or damaged.

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