Year: 2023

Horrific moment for all of us : A King Parrot is completely swallowed by a carpet python while it hangs from a gutter.

A woman in Queensland, Australia, captured a snake eating a giant king parrot on the roof of her home.She warned that bird lovers would not like the images when she submitted them to Stuart McKenzie, a snake catcher on the Sunshine Coast, who shared them on Facebook.The snake can be seen in the images hanging […]

Check out this adorable toddlers dancing their heart out.

And once you watch their movements, you’ll undeniably enjoy it. What they are demonstrating with their adorable little hands and very little feet. Infants respond to the music’s rhythm and tempo more engaging than speaking, according to a study on the subject. According to the study, infants may have a natural tendency to move rhythmically […]

They are real, of course! Knowing that this species exists is surprising, and I am not alone in finding it so.

According to the Census of Marine Life, there are 8.7 million species in the natural world, including 6.5 million species on land and 2.2 million in the oceans. However, many scientists believe the actual number to be much higher. Even with such a huge number, some of them turned out to be a little bit […]

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