2 hyenas killed a wild big buffalo

2 hyenas killed a wild big buffalo

Before getting into this, let’s know a little about both parties.
Hyenas are feliform carnivorous animals belonging to the Hyaenidae family. It is one of the smallest
families in the class Mammalia and the fifth-smallest family in the Carnivora with only four living species.
Hyenas are distinctive and essential elements of most African ecosystems, despite their low diversity.

In contrast, the wild water buffalo, also known as the Asian buffalo, Asiatic buffalo, and wild buffalo, is a
sizable bovine that is indigenous to Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Since there are less
than 4,000 left in the remnant population, it has been classified as Endangered on the IUCN Red List
since 1986.

Now, read the article to know about the whole incident.

Despite being viewed as scavengers, hyenas are actually quite skilled hunters who rely heavily on taking
down live prey. In Africa, lions and hyenas are each the strongest in one-on-one close combat. Zebra,
wildebeest, and wild buffalo are among the hyena’s favorite prey items.

The buffalo was under constant attack from predators and was unable to respond quickly. A hyena
quietly launched a poisonous attack that was targeted squarely at the threat posed by its victim when
the buffalo lost concentration.

The buffalo displayed pain, lost all of its strength, and slumped to the ground because the attack was
too risky. It attempted to stand up and flee, but the hyenas persisted, despite all of its efforts.

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